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Spring Flowers Painting by Kelly Mills

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Comments (24)



Congrats on your Special Elite Feature Kelly! Absolutely Beautiful!

Kelly Mills replied:

Thanks Ron!

Laura Vanatka

Laura Vanatka

Congratulations Kelly on Special Elite Feature in Art District group, such a lovely watercolor painting! F/L

Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you very much Laura!

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams

Congratulations! ♥️ Your work has received a SPECIAL ELITE FEATURE & been showcased on the homepage of the aRt diStrIct! You are invited to archive your work in the 2023 ELITE SPECIAL feature discussion thread. BRAVO! #Sunshine #TheArtDistrict

Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you so much Pamela!

Ram Vasudev

Ram Vasudev


Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you!

Laura's Creations

Laura's Creations

Interesting POV for these beautiful flowers LF

Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you!

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams

Congratulations! ♥️ Your work has received a SPECIAL ELITE FEATURE & been showcased on the homepage of the aRt diStrIct! You are invited to archive your work in the 2023 ELITE SPECIAL feature discussion thread. BRAVO! #Spring #TheArtDistrict

Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you Pamela!

Jeffery Spaid

Jeffery Spaid

Beauty, Beauty, look at you! Absolutely stunning! 🌏



Very pretty and wonderful detail Kelly

Kelly Mills replied:

Always kind Ron, thanks

Jim Love

Jim Love

Spring never looked better Kelly

Kelly Mills replied:

Thanks Jim!

Marcia Lee Jones

Marcia Lee Jones

Lovely watercolor artwork!

Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you Marcia!

Suzanne Wilkinson

Suzanne Wilkinson

Delicate and lovely!

Kelly Mills replied:

Thanks so much Suzanne

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten


Kelly Mills replied:





Kelly Mills replied:

WOW! Thank you so very much!!!

Paul Boizot

Paul Boizot


Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you Paul!

L A Feldstein

L A Feldstein

Love the delicacy of this painting with the blue and yellow flowers

Rebecca Grzenda

Rebecca Grzenda

I was going through some of your images and really enjoyed your beautiful gallery!! This piece is so beautiful as well, Kelly!!

Kelly Mills replied:

Thank you so much Rebecca!

AnnaJo Vahle

AnnaJo Vahle

Love the colors and sense of upward reaching, Kelly. Fabulous painting. f/l

Taphath Foose

Taphath Foose

Beautiful and uplifting, Kelly!!! Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Beautiful Watercolors"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/F

Alexis Grone

Alexis Grone

Fresh and cheeful! L/V in the "Watercolor Field of Flowers" contest.

Juergen Hess

Juergen Hess

Wonderful work. Well done indeed. Thank you for sharing it.

Lois Bryan

Lois Bryan

So so charming ... I'm a kid again, laying in the grass, becoming one with the flowers all around me ... finding shapes in the clouds!!! Wonderful, lovely art!!!!! l/f t

Vivian Aaron

Vivian Aaron


Lynn Marie Sharp

Lynn Marie Sharp

Beautiful! L/F

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Spring Flowers by Kelly Mills
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